A Blurb on Bad Presidents and the Motherland

Most people come to the consensus that President Trump falls towards the bottom of the list of best presidents in US History. His temporary ban on Muslim refugees into the country, plan for the Great Wall of Mexico, and recent drama with Russian government are just a few of the reasons a lot of people hate that the country is in the palms of his hands for the next couple of years.

The reality is though, the US has had many other horrible presidents in its past (contingent on discrimination against minorities).

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The Hate Rhetoric

The first amendment in the constitution of the United States does not protect against hate speech. “Fighting words,” however, are viewed by the Supreme Court to “incite an immediate breach of peace” which allows the law to step in from there (Hudson Jr.). The difference is that these fighting words are said with the intention to initiate violence. Hate speech can be expressed without the intentions of inciting physical injury.

Though it is scary to think that our government may not be able to protect us against hateful speech in a time when our president is tracked by many different online news websites on how many people he has offended/disrespected to date, we must use our own rights to free speech to combat the negativity thrown at us.

But how does having such a hateful rhetoric manage to get you to one of the highest positions of power in our country? Let’s take a look.

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Is My Empire Falling Apart?

In lieu of this year’s US election results, I feel the need to address something that some of my classmates have already chosen to talk about in their blogs. Before the possibility of Donald Trump’s presidency became a reality, my classmates foresaw the dangers of what could come of it. They recognize Donald Trump as a negative icon and the scare tactics and hateful stereotypes he has used to his advantage during his campaign. Now that he is “president-elect” and therefore not technically in office, many still do not know how to properly feel.

Many people know that they alone cannot impeach Trump because only Congress has that power. If they protest, they feel that it will not make a big enough impact because he has been elected already. If they complain, they feel no one in power will hear them.

Despite these common doubts, others still choose to use their voices and keep fighting (myself included). However, in all seriousness, what does Donald Trump’s presidency mean for the United States? Now that he is in such a powerful position where he can make decisions for the entire country, it is hard to predict what will come next for us.

Is this really the beginning of the end?

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