Glory and Grace–at What Cost?

Recently in my Humanities Core seminar class, we reexamined the Roman empire and how it has been presented to us through our lectures.

In short, it was analyzed that a sense of glorification was given off based on the information provided. We had ended our learnings with the empire’s glorious “Pax Romana” period, a time of security and prosperity. However, this period of peace and flourishment of the arts was achieved with a cost.

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What Does it Mean to be “American?”

The concept of being a part of a nation– or empire, if you will, has a metaphorical meaning other than the one having to do with land size and dictators and such.

The United States is an empire of its own accord with a history of expanding borders and growing in population of people as it conquered new-found land.

Though most of the conquering was, well, centuries ago, what we are left with in today’s time is a melting pot of people with a variety of different backgrounds and cultures. Some born and raised in this country, some apply and earn their citizenship, and some fall under in the grey area of living here but not exactly having official documentation. Regardless– these are Americans. American people under this American empire.

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